Descriptions of the ProjectThe main purpose of this project is to coordinate such synthesized activities pertaining to inverse problems with diverse fields of applications. Our unique Japan-China-Korea research team aims to lay a foundation for conducting groundbreaking interdisciplinary research to model and compute applied inverse problems. Novel inverse problem and imaging techniques will be developed to extend our ability to detect and render the critical information of an object, to advance our research in the areas of mathematical and computational studies, to meet the compelling need to train the next generation of computational scientists and engineers, and to provide an environment for high-performance computing. Our proposed research efforts consist of the following three classes of important problems:
(1) inverse problems in environmental science (2) super resolution via near-field imaging (3) inverse problems in biomedical imaging Our team, composed of distinguished researchers with complementary areas of expertise, has a significant amount of experience developing various successful international collaborative joint projects. The research topics are carefully chosen based on their significance and impact, taking into consideration the unique expertise of our research team. Our team will undertake these research initiatives, develop collaborative research plans, and solve research problems within the framework of this project. |
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